Part I: Sorting

In def sort(values), a quicksort for numpy array is implemented, with $O(Nlog(N))$ time complexity in general, and $O(N^2)$ in worst cases.


This version of quicksort (abbraviated as qsort in following passage) chose the first element as the pivot. In each turn, if the incoming array has length greater than one, then qsort do the following:

  1. select elements smaller than the pivot as left, select elements greater than the pivot as right
  2. rearange the array to the form of left + pivot + right
  3. do qsort on left and right


First we analyse one trun:

  1. select part: selecting left and right compares the whole array with pivot one time each, therefore time complexity is $O(2length) = O(length)$
  2. rearange part: we simply copy left, pivot and right to the original array, with time complexity $O(length)$

In general, if the incoming array is almost random, we will approximately have half left and half right on each side of the pivot. Thus $T(n) = 2T(n/2)+cn$ and therefore by master theroem $T(N) = O(Nlog(N))$.

However, in worst cases, one side of each turn has $(length-1)$ elements while the other side has no elements. Hence we have $T(n) = T(n-1)+cn$ and therefore by master theroem $T(N) = O(N^2)$.

Code (20 points)

In [1]:
# the function
def sort(values):
    if len(values) > 1:
        #1. select pivot, then left and right
        pivot = values[0]
        left = [x for x in values[1:] if x < pivot]
        right = [x for x in values[1:] if x >= pivot]
        #2. rearange the array to [left+pivot+right]
        values[len(left)] = pivot
        for i in range(0, len(left)):
            values[i] = left[i]
        for i in range(0, len(right)):
            values[i+1+len(left)] = right[i]
        #3. qsort left and right
    return values

In [2]:
# main
import numpy as np

# different random seed

# generate numbers
N = 10
# the TA will vary the input array size and content during testing
values = np.random.random([N])


correct = True
for index in range(1, len(values)):
    if(values[index-1] > values[index]):
        correct = False
print('Correct? ' + str(correct))

Correct? True

Part II: Line fitting

The loss function is $L\left(\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{T}, \mathbf{Y}\right) = \sum_i \left( T^{(i)} - Y^{(i)}\right)^2 = \sum_i \left( T^{(i)} - w_1 X^{(i)} - w_0 \right)^2$.

Math (30 points)

Write down explicit formulas for $w_0$ and $w_1$ in terms of $\mathbf{X}$ and $\mathbf{T}$.

Vectored Version (The Formal Solution)

We let $\mathbf{H} = [\mathbf{1} | \mathbf{X}]$, therefore $\mathbf{H} \Theta = \mathbf{Y}$. Set $\nabla_\Theta L(\Theta) = 0 $ we get

$$ \begin{align} \nabla_\Theta L(\Theta) & = \nabla_\Theta \frac{1}{2} (\mathbf{H} \Theta - \mathbf{T})^T (\mathbf{H} \Theta - \mathbf{T}) \\ 0 & = \frac{1}{2} \nabla_\Theta({\Theta}^T {\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{H} \Theta - {\Theta}^T {\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{T} - \mathbf{T}^T \mathbf{H} \Theta + \mathbf{T}^T \mathbf{T}) \\ 0 & = \frac{1}{2} ({\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{H} \Theta + {\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{H} \Theta - {\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{T} - {\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{T}) \\ 0 & = {\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{H} \Theta - {\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{T} \\ {\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{H} \Theta & = {\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{T} \\ \Theta & = ({\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{\mathbf{H}})^{-1} {\mathbf{\mathbf{H}}}^T {\mathbf{T}} \end{align} $$

Hence $\Theta = \{w_0, w_1 \}^T = ({\mathbf{H}}^T \mathbf{\mathbf{H}})^{-1} {\mathbf{\mathbf{H}}}^T {\mathbf{T}}$ with $\mathbf{H} = [\mathbf{1} | \mathbf{X}]$.

Unvectored Version (The Solution only for Reference)

As the loss is convex, we can simply apply first-order necessary condition

$$ \begin{equation} \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_0} = - 2\sum_i \left( T^{(i)} - w_1 X^{(i)} - w_0 \right) = 0 \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_1} = - 2\sum_i \left(X^{(i)}( T^{(i)} - w_1 X^{(i)} - w_0) \right) = 0 \end{equation} $$

We extract $w_0$ from the first equation, to substitute $w_0$ in the second equation

$$ \begin{equation} w_0 = \frac{\sum_i \left( T^{(i)} - w_1 X^{(i)}\right)}{n} \\ \sum_i \left(X^{(i)}( T^{(i)} - w_1 X^{(i)} - \frac{\sum_j \left( T^{(j)} - w_1 X^{(j)}\right)}{n}) \right) = 0 \end{equation} $$

Now that the second equation is only composed of $w_1, \mathbf{X}$ and $\mathbf{T}$, we can solve out $w_1$

$$ \begin{equation} \sum_i \left(X^{(i)}T^{(i)} - w_1 X^{(i)}X^{(i)} - X^{(i)}\frac{\sum_j T^{(j)}}{n} + w_1 X^{(i)}\frac{\sum_j X^{(j)}}{n} \right) = 0 \\ \sum_i X^{(i)} T^{(i)} - \frac{\sum_i X^{(i)} \sum_j T^{(j)}}{n} = w_1(\sum_i X^{(i)} X^{(i)} - \frac{\sum_i X^{(i)} \sum_j X^{(j)}}{n})\\\ w_1 = \frac{n \sum_i X^{(i)} T^{(i)} - \sum_i X^{(i)} \sum_j T^{(j)}}{n \sum_i X^{(i)} X^{(i)} - \sum_i X^{(i)} \sum_j X^{(j)}} = \frac{n \sum_i X^{(i)} T^{(i)} - \sum_i X^{(i)} \sum_j T^{(j)}}{n \sum_i (X^{(i)})^2 - (\sum_i X^{(i)})^2} \end{equation} $$

Now simply substitute $w_1$ in the expression of $w_0$

$$ \begin{equation} w_0 = \frac{\sum_i \left( T^{(i)} - w_1 X^{(i)}\right)}{n} = \frac{\sum_i X^{(i)} X^{(i)} \sum_j T^{(j)} - \sum_i X^{(i)} T^{(i)} \sum_j X^{(j)}}{n \sum_i (X^{(i)})^2 - (\sum_i X^{(i)})^2} \end{equation} $$

To conclude $$ \left\{ \begin{aligned} w_1 & = \frac{n \sum_i X^{(i)} T^{(i)} - \sum_i X^{(i)} \sum_j T^{(j)}}{n \sum_i (X^{(i)})^2 - (\sum_i X^{(i)})^2}\\ w_0 & = \frac{\sum_i X^{(i)} X^{(i)} \sum_j T^{(j)} - \sum_i X^{(i)} T^{(i)} \sum_j X^{(j)}}{n \sum_i (X^{(i)})^2 - (\sum_i X^{(i)})^2} \\ \end{aligned} \right. $$

Code (50 points)

In [3]:
# line model
import numpy as np

class Line(object):
    def __init__(self, w0, w1):
        self.w0 = w0
        self.w1 = w1
    def predict(self, x, noise=0):
        return (x*self.w1 + self.w0 + noise*np.random.normal())

    # Input: data, a 2D array with each (x, t) pair on a row
    # Return: w0 and w1, the intercept and slope of the fitted line
    def learn(self, data):
        # unvectored version
        # sum_x = sum_t = sum_xx = sum_xt = 0
        # n = data.shape[0]
        # for (x, t) in data:
        #     sum_x += x
        #     sum_t += t
        #     sum_xx += x*x
        #     sum_xt += x*t
        # w0 = (sum_xx*sum_t-sum_xt*sum_x)/(n*sum_xx-sum_x*sum_x)
        # w1 = (n*sum_xt-sum_x*sum_t)/(n*sum_xx-sum_x*sum_x)
        # vectored version
        data = data.transpose()
        X = data[0]
        T = data[1]
        H = np.array([np.ones(len(X)), X]).transpose()
        Theta = np.linalg.inv((H.transpose()).dot(H)).dot(H.transpose()).dot(T)
        w0 = Theta[0]
        w1 = Theta[1]
        return w0, w1

In [4]:
# test

w0 = np.asscalar(np.random.random(1))*2-1
w1 = np.asscalar(np.random.random(1))*2-1

line = Line(w0, w1)

N = 20
noise = 0.05
X = np.random.random([N])
T = []
for x in X:
    T.append(np.sum(line.predict(x, noise)))
T = np.array(T)    

#data = np.vstack((X, T)).transpose()
data = np.array([X, T]).transpose()

w0_fit, w1_fit = line.learn(data)

line_fit = Line(w0_fit, w1_fit)

print('truth:   ' + str(w0) + ' ' + str(w1))
print('predict: ' + str(w0_fit) + ' ' + str(w1_fit))

truth:   0.6273846380904675 -0.5193989006035067
predict: 0.628879281523 -0.502563040791

In [5]:
# plot
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], color='black', marker='o')

X_endpoints = [0, 1]
Y_truth, Y_fit = [], []
for x in X_endpoints:
plt.plot(X_endpoints, Y_truth, color='blue', label='truth')
plt.plot(X_endpoints, Y_fit, color='red', label='predict')
